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Ceramic Lined pipe fitting

Alumina ceramic tile mats

Short Description: Alumina Ceramic square tile mats is combination of high hardness alumina mosaic tile and backed silk , paper or net .the low friction , smooth surface prevents materials...
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Alumina ceramic tile mats on Nylon Mesh

Short Description: Alumina Ceramic Hexagonal / square tile mats are combination of high hardness alumina mosaic tile and backed sticker , paper, acetate cloth or nylon mesh, the low friction...
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Alumina Ceramic Mosaic Tile Liner

Short Description: YIHO Ceramic mosaic mat are of 2 shapes, square alumina ceramic mosaic tiles and alumina ceramic hexagon mosaic mat, inlaid on the surface of equipment and work area...
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Al2O3 92% 95% 99% Alumina Ceramic Hexagonal Tiles Mosaic Mats

Short Description: Yiho Alumina Ceramic hex tiles are an ideal solution for lining high-wear areas as curved shape surfaces such as pipe, cones,etc. This provides the protection for applications where...
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Yttria Zirconnia Grinding Ball

Short Description: Yttrium Stabilized Zirconia (Y-TZP) is the strongest ceramic material we offer. Y-TZP is a purely tetragonal phase, fine grain material. This material offers the highest flexural strength of...
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Yttrium Stabilized Zirconia Milling Media

Short Description: Yiho offers yttrium stabilized zirconia beads ranging from 0.1mm to40mm. Ceria-stabilized zirconia milling media beads are also available....
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