
Featured products

Engineering ceramic liner

Ceramic Hexagonal wear tile mats

Short Description: YIHO manufactures a full range of high-density, fine-grain, wear-resistant alumina ceramic hex mats (hexagonal tiles). Our alumina ceramic is next to diamond in hardness, is 12 times more...
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Anti lmpact Engineering ceramic wear Tile for conveyor system

Short Description: Engineering alumina ceramic Tile is different standard ceramic tile , designed and tailor-made with CAD Software to suit any type of customer’s components . YIHO ceramics offer a...
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Alumina Wear Resistant Liner Pieces for Pulley Lagging Ceramics

Short Description: YIHO Pulley lagging is made through hundreds of individual ceramic lining pieces vulcanized into durable rubber plates, every applied ceramic lining tile have raised dimples for abrasion resistance.Generally,with...
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Alumina Curved Pipe Tile Liner

Short Description: Curved pipe tile liner is a excellent wear-resistant material mainly pasted on the inner wall of pipeline or cyclone.It can reduce the wear and tear of the equipment...
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Alumina ceramic Wear-resistant Hexagonal Tile mats

Short Description: Alumina ceramic is next to diamond in hardness, is 12 times more wear-resistant than carbon steel, and exhibits excellent corrosion resistance....
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Alumina Ceramic Tiles – for abrasion, corrosion and low friction resistant applications

Short Description: Alumina Ceramic Tile is of high wear resistance, acid and alkli resistance, effectively prolong the service life of equipment and considered to be the best choice of anti-wearing...
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